BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// TZID:America/New_York X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20210928T150000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20210928T170000 DTSTAMP:20210917T163652Z URL: er-aging/ SUMMARY:En Plein Air - Painting & Drawing with Center Aging DESCRIPTION:An in-person event by The DC Center for the LGBT Community and the DC Department on Aging and Community Living (DACL)\n\nPlease join us o n Tuesday\, September 28th from 3pm - 5pm\, where Center Aging will be hos ting an outdoor painting &\; drawing event for seniors. It will take pl ace at the Reeves Center outdoor courtyard where we'll have enough space t o maintain safe social distance while being able to chit chat. Art materia ls and light snacks will be provided. Wearing a mask is required to attend this event. \n\nSpace is limited so it's first come/register\, first ser ved.\n\nFor more information please reach out to adamheller@thedccenter.or g. We hope to see you there!\nClick here to register for this event\n  \;\n\n ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: 09/En-Plein-Air.png CATEGORIES:Center Aging,Older Adults END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York X-LIC-LOCATION:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20210314T030000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR