BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// TZID:America/New_York X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20200627T153000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20200627T173000 DTSTAMP:20200624T202729Z URL: -triptych/ SUMMARY:Survivor ArtMake: PAIN. REBELLION. PRIDE. A Triptych DESCRIPTION:LGBTQ+ folx are survivors of all kinds of violence\, trauma and abuse. Expression through art is healing and powerful.\n\nThis is an oppo rtunity to create a piece that shows your journey. Using collage\, you wil l explore and create a triptych (three panels) to represent a way you have turned a painful event into a resilient strength that you bring to the pl anet.\n\nFREE! RSVP by FRIDAY JUNE 26\, 5pm\, by completing a short survey to get the zoom link. \n\nASL? Let us know by Thursday June 25 if you ne ed ASL interpretation\, please.\n\nPrepare: Set up the space and time for our virtual gathering where you have plenty of room to go through images t o collage together to create and share your triptych (if you choose to sha re).\n\nSupplies Needed: Collect (or create) and bring magazines/images th at speak to you about your journey: PAIN. REBELLION. PRIDE. (If you don't have magazines\, ask your neighbors\, family\, friends\, local businesses with waiting rooms\, etc. if you can have a few of their old issues. You c an also use old calendars and books\, and/or go online and print out some images). Also collect scissors\, glue\, tape\, markers/mark-making impleme nts\, and three pieces (or one that you bend into three panels) of stiff p aper\, cardboard\, mat board -- you can even re-purpose cereal or cracker boxes for this\, since you'll likely be covering up the images with your o wn. Or you can paint a background color on them ahead of time. The size is up to you. I'd suggest at least 5x8 inches per panel.\n\nJourney: We'll s pend the time in a brief intro to each other\, the subject\, and the proce ss\, then we'll artmake for about an hour or so (I'll have background musi c piped through my screen share\, but you can also mute us and go with you r own)\, and we'll have some time in the end for a Silent Witnessing -- a time for any one who wishes to share their triptych with the others.\n\nVi sion: My hope is that we can be present and honor ourselves and each other in this space. This will be a transformative experience. Your triptych ca n be an altarpiece to cherish if you wish\, something to share with those who love you\, and/or something you burn when you're finished to complete the process. There is no wrong way to do this piece.\n\nHost/Contact: Chri stina Cappelletti\, LGSW\, MSW\, MA\, DCAVP Therapist/Advocate/Artist\, DC Center\n\nThe DC Anti-Violence Project (DCAVP) is here to support LGBTQ+ survivors of violence\, trauma and abuse\, to raise awareness about the sy stems that perpetuate it\, and to educate the community on how to be prese nt for LGBTQ+ authentic living. The DCAVP is a program of the DC Center fo r the LGBT Community\, and is funded under 2020-MDCC-01\, awarded by the O ffice of Victim Services and Justice Grants\, Executive Office of the Mayo r\, District of Columbia. The opinions\, findings\, and conclusions or rec ommendations expressed in this event are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Executi ve Office of the Mayor.\n\n \; CATEGORIES:Advocacy,Asian Pacific American,Behavioral Health,Bisexual,Black,Cancer Awareness,Center Arts,DC Anti-Violence Project,Deaf,Disability,Families,Genderqueer,Global,Health,HIV/AIDS,Latinx ,Men,Military,Older Adults,Peer Support Groups,People of Color,Poly,Pride,Recovery,Trans,Volunteer,Women END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York X-LIC-LOCATION:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20200308T030000 TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR