Adas Israel, located in the Cleveland Park neighborhood, is the largest Conservative synagogue in Washington, D.C.
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The purpose of this ecumenical group is to provide the resources to facilitate a paradigm shift i...
GaySpirits is a day and a half retreat designed to explore the spiritual lives of gay men. Since ...
Our focus has been on the intersection of human rights, health, education and faith, by providing...
Inner Light Ministries Inner Light Ministries is an interfaith non-denominational organization fo...

Our members represent a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds,nationalities, political affilia...
The Silver Spring Cooperative Parish believes that having open hearts, open minds and open doors ...
Washington National Cathedral is committed to full equality for LGBT people everywhere. We fully ...
Church of the Pilgrims is a diverse congregation affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), w...
The Metropolitan Community church of Washington (MCC-DC) is a Christian Church with a special min...
Luther Place Memorial Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, bui...