The Atlantic States Gay Rodeo Association (ASGRA) is a charitable and social organizatino whose primary purpose is to promote the sport of rodeo and foster country and western lifestyles in the gay and lesbian community. ASGRA members enjoy the fellowship of numerous social, recreational and educational activities. The organization’s primary event is the Mid-Atlantic rodeo and the organization raises money throughout the year to support community organizations
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Gay District is a community-based organization focused on building understanding of gay culture a...
CTA provides casual and organized tennis programs – a terrific way to compete and socialize...
The Dulles Triangles is a well rounded social club for area gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgende...
Alpha Psi Kappa is an Non-Profit, Non-Collegiate, Social, and Service Organization for Dominant W...
Lambda Dance Sport DC supports the art and sport of partnership dancing of all styles for same-ge...
Book Men DC is an informal group of men who are interested in gay literature (both fiction and no...
Federal Triangles Soccer Club (FTSC) is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purp...
The mission of the National Friendship Movement is to provide a national platform for professiona...
The main mission of Lambda Divers is to provide a fun and inexpensive diving venue for GLBTT dive...
DC Front Runners is a running, walking and social club for gay people and friends in the Washingt...