A Veteran who transition while on active duty, a Friend of our communities, and Advocate for LGBT...
Dana Beyer, M.D., a retired eye surgeon, is a well-known advocate for health issues as well as ge...
Dr. Chloe Schwenke is a Quaker human rights activist, development practitioner and academic with ...
Jackie DeCarlo has lived in the DC area for almost 20 years. Her volunteer activities have revolv...
Family & Parenting Diversity Women's Issues Career Development Recovery Youth Relationships Intimate Partner Violence
Hello, my name is Sara Cahanin. I am a licensed therapist in Maryland and currently, I work at Ch...
Politics Diversity Faith Communities Women's Issues HIV/AIDS Youth Intimate Partner Violence Disability
Elise Roy lost her hearing at the age of 10 and doctors have never been able to explain why. Dete...
Michele Zavos is a long-time LGBT activist and attorney who has represented thousands of clients ...
My main focus is on issues regarding race, class, gender, feminist issues, conflict and negotiati...
Family & Parenting Diversity Faith Communities Health Transgender Community Women's Issues Harm Reduction HIV/AIDS Recovery Aging
Deedria Faulkner has been a committed public health advocate at the local and national level for ...
Jennifer Chapin is an active member of GALAXe Pride at Work, Xerox Corporations recognized employ...