David Getson


David Getson grew up in northern Virginia, near to his eventual home in Washington, DC’s Logan neighborhood. In 2002, he began as a buyer’s agent at a Coldwell Banker office in Washington, DC, distinguishing himself with the personal attention with which he showed his clients. In 2005, after a year of conversations and transactions where the represented clients on different sides of the table, he partnered with a local agent at a competing firm, Mandy Mills, and joined the brand new boutique agency, Hounshell Real Estate.

In 2006, they added their first assistant and in 2007, officially became the Mandy & David Team, in response to the demands of the marketplace. With their business continuing to grow, they moved three blocks to the downtown Coldwell Banker office in 2011, which offered them both more resources and the strength of the firm’s international name recognition.

In 2011, they were the #1 Coldwell Banker agents in DC and were included in the Wall Street Journal’s list of the Top 250 Real Estate Teams in the Country, with just over $51 Million in sales. In 2012, they topped $100 Million in sales, placing them in the Top 10 of Coldwell Banker nationwide and at #90 in the country on the Wall Street Journal list.

DavidGetson.jpg 7 years ago
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