The DC Anti-Violence Project (DCAVP) LGBTQ+ Working Through Trauma (WTT) groups invite LGBTQIA+ survivors of violence, abuse and trauma to focus on understanding and managing trauma responses and symptoms as a group through a variety of cognitive-behavioral techniques. Group members learn to recognize and manage triggers and painful emotions, build resiliency and practice authentic connection in the safety of the group. Participants will also focus on the mind-body connection throughout the course of the group, engaging in art and expression activities, mindful meditation/visualization, deep breathing, and other somatic exercises to help transform trauma responses and create empowering coping strategies.
The groups are closed membership groups: QAGWTT for queer all genders identified folks, and, when available, QW*WTT for queer women identified folks (*Women, Lesbian, Bi/Pan, TGNC+). Participants sign up for intake interviews to determine if the group is appropriate for their circumstances. The groups are generally held on one weeknight each week for 90 minutes for 10 sessions (10 concurrent weeks when possible), currently via Zoom.
Read here for eligibility guidelines for LGBTQIA+ client behavioral health services at the DC Center.
Next Scheduled Groups
The next 10-week Queer All Gender Working Through Trauma group will be held Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm on March 18th through May 13th on Zoom. More information on facilitators will be coming soon. Please reach out to [email protected] if you are interested in being added to the call list or if you have any questions.
Green background with flowers. Text reads “New Spring Group Starting Intakes Now! Queer All Genders Working Through Trauma Group Closed 10 session psychoeducational group for LGBTQIA+ survivors who want to build empowerment and resiliency skills. No Cost. Contact [email protected] for more information. Every Tuesday 6:30-8:00pm, March 18 – May 13, Zoom Information on facilitators coming soon! This poster was produced by the DC Anti-Violence Project under 2025-MDCC-01, awarded by the Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants, Executive Office of the Mayor, District of Columbia. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this product or event are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Executive Office of the Mayor.” The DC LGBTQ+ Community Center logo.
LGBTQIA+ Working Through Trauma groups may meet in-person or remotely via HIPAA-compliant (secure and private) Zoom, depending on availability and need. The groups are closed to 8 members per series. Intake interviews are needed to review if the groups will meet your needs. The groups often fill quickly and we do our best to share any other options we may know about to support folks who miss getting into a current round.
The groups are offered at no cost, due to grant funding by the DC Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants. Individuals with low-to-no income are prioritized, though we work hard to include all who apply whenever possible, or help with referrals, if necessary.
Email [email protected] to get on the call list anytime for these groups, which run twice a year.
Note: The DC Center WTT groups are Trauma & Resiliency STAGE ONE groups: Safety, Stabilization, Resiliency: education about trauma, identification of triggers, sensory & somatic awareness, coping skills, mindfulness, breath work, regulating affect, grounding & containing, and building community around survivor resiliency. Strengthening these skills and authentic connection with self and others prepares people for more resilient and empowered living. While these groups are not trauma processing therapy groups per se (Stages 2 & 3), they help prepare any who may choose to seek longer term therapy after these groups, for trauma processing work.