2nd Annual Sequins and Scrums Fundraiser

2nd Annual Sequins and Scrums Fundraiser


February 23, 2018    
7:30 pm


Town Danceboutique
2009 8th Street NW, Washington, District of Columbia, 20009

Event Type

Washington Scandals Rugby Football Club to present

2nd Annual Sequins and Scrums Fundraiser

Washington, DC January 19, 2018 – The Washington Scandals Rugby Football Club (RFC) will host the Second Annual Sequins and Scrums, a free drag event on Friday, February 23 at 7:30pm during at Town Danceboutique. Ten Scandals will transform into drag queens and compete to earn the judges’ approval as well as tips and cheers from the audience. The winner will be crowned the coveted title of Scrum Queen 2018!

Founded in 2013, Washington Scandals RFC fosters community and athleticism for gay men in the DC metropolitan area. The organization currently works to promote diversity and an inclusive environment for all athletes regardless of sexual orientation, race, age, religion, or fitness level through learning and playing the dynamic sport of rugby. The club is a proud member of International Gay Rugby (IGR) and Team DC, Washington’s Gay Sports Connection.

Scandals seeking the title of Scrum Queen 2018 include: Nathan Hagan, Brandon McGree, Ryan Haynes, Max Sycamore, Rashad DeMesme, Jim Barrett, Tim Kilbride, Brian Dawson, Gus Elfving, and Daly Kingston. In addition to obtaining cash tips during the show, the contenders are collecting online tips in advance of the show at sequinsandscrums.com. The contender earns the most tips (combined between online and in-person tips) will automatically advance to the final round of the competition alongside the judges’ picks.

Judges include: Charger Stone, owner and promoter of DC Bëar Crüe: Bear Happy Hour; Tammy Truong, Owner of Uproar Lounge and Restaurant; Pat Brogan, radio personality; Angelina Pappas, Owner of Kouzina Angelinas Pizza; and the reigning Miss Adams Morgan, Miss Eva Von Beaverhausen. The evening will be hosted by Scandals alumnus Aaron Enfield and the 2017 Scrum Queen, Joshua Street.

Funds raised online and during the show will go towards the team’s registration and travel expenses for the 2018 Bingham Cup in Amsterdam. The Bingham Cup is a biennial international, non-professional, gay rugby tournament. It is named after Mark Bingham, a gay rugby player who died on board United Airlines Flight 93 on September 11, 2001.

While the judges are deliberating their picks to advance to the final round, the 2017 Scrum Queen will reprise her winning performance. All tips collected during this performance will be donated to Whitman-Walker Addiction Services (WWAS), an addiction treatment program with special expertise in treatment for LGBTQ-identified clients.

Additionally, the Scandals will be holding a Rugby 101 Clinic on the following day, Saturday February 24 from 2:00pm – 3:30pm at Shaw Athletic Field, 1615 11th Street NW, Washington, DC. This is a great opportunity for new recruits and supporters to meet the guys, learn the basics of rugby, and then warm up afterward with drinks and rugby songs at our famous Third Half after party at Uproar Lounge.

For more information about Washington Scandals RFC please visit scandalsrfc.org. For more information on Sequins and Scrums please visit sequinsandscrums.com or our Facebook event. For more information about the Rugby 101 Clinic, email [email protected].
