Gigi Thomas, MSW, is a leading human rights advocate and a transgender woman of color who has worked for more than 15 years in the support of people in need in the DC area. She dedicated her life to helping others, saving many lives in the process. While we mourn every year on Transgender Day of Remembrance those who have been killed, GiGi is locked up facing prison because she refused to die; she survived and she is being punished for it. GiGi’s next court trial date is February 27th, and we want to pack the court room with supportive messages and tell the judge to #FreeGigi. Join us!
The court trial will be held at Monday, February 27th at 9am at Prince George’s County Courthouse: 14735 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772.
We are coordinating rides from around the DC-Maryland-Virginia area. If you need a ride or can provide rides for others, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/
GiGi has said she would appreciate seeing signs of support in the form of t-shirts that have the following or similar messages:
– Free GiGi
– Trans Lives Matter
– GiGi Saved So Many
– We Love GiGi
Join the facebook event here.
Can’t join us on on February 27th? Here’s how else you can support Gigi:
Donate and share Gigi’s legal support campaign: https://
Write a letter and send your love: Gigi Marie Thomas (# A65386), PG County Correctional Center, 13400 Dille Drive, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 (** note the carceral state will not accept letters and envelopes with stickers (including mailing stamps) or other decorations. they will only accept plain regular sized envelopes mailed through US post office, and the letters must be written in pen with no decorations or drawings.)
Read more about Gigi and her extensive career advocating for trans women and sex workers: https://docs.google.com/