Shy? Unassertive? Self-conscious? Easily embarrassed? Closeted? Anxious about coming/being out? Socially withdrawn, avoidant or isolated? Fearful of speaking in groups? Performance anxiety? Stage fright? Difficulty meeting people or forming relationships? Sexual anxiety? Pee shy? Free workshop on social anxiety: learn what social anxiety is, what causes and maintains it, it’s special effects on LGBT people, and the cognitive-behavioral therapy approach to overcoming it. No one will be required to speak or interact at the workshop. This is an educational workshop, not a therapy session.
The workshop will take place in my office near the Tenleytown Metro, NW DC (near Wisconsin Ave. & River Rd., plentiful parking). YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER FOR THIS WORKSHOP as space is limited and it will likely fill up. To register, visit this web page, www.socialanxietyhelp.