Faith Communities


Church of the Pilgrims is a diverse congregation affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), with a commitment to inclusiveness, hospitality and social justice. Children, youth and adults, singles, couples and families are all a valued part of our inter-generational community of faith. It is our hope that when someone walks through our doors, they can be themselves and experience God within a compassionate Christian community. We hope to meet individuals where they are at in their Christian f


The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is the nation’s leading religious voice for reproductive justice.


The Muslims for Progressive Values – DC Chapter’s mission is to provide a virtual and real space for Progressive Muslims and our friends to build a community, pursue intellectual growth, engage the community in dialog, and perform community service. MPV-DC endorses the human and civil rights of LGBTIQ individuals. We affirm our commitment to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and we support full equality and inclusion of all individuals, regardless of sexual or


Washington National Cathedral is committed to full equality for LGBT people everywhere. We fully welcome and affirm lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people as active members of our community, and we are proud to be part of the Episcopal Church in which all aspects of ministry?ordained and lay?is open to people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The Cathedral also advocates for the rights and freedoms of LGBT people in faith communities and in society.


Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ, situated in the border between Northwest DC and Bethesda, is an open church, affirming the dignity and worth of every person as created in the image of God. We welcome into our fellowship people of all ages, races, abilities and sexual orientation who acknowledge Christ as our foundation and who seek to embody the mind and spirit of Jesus.


Our focus has been on the intersection of human rights, health, education and faith, by providing resources for emerging grass roots organizations and leaders in the Global South. Local organizations are given assistance to create innovative HIV education and prevention programs, women?s development and self employment programs and providing training and education projects to build sustainable communities. Educational programs in Europe and North America seek partner congregations, foundations a


B-WARM is the local organization that works hand-in-hand with (1) the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church and (2) Reconciling Ministries Network ( Reconciling Ministries Network ) who does advocacy within the greater United Methodist Church for toward full participation of GLBT persons within the life of the church.


The Old Catholic Church separated from the Roman Rite in 1870, in order to maintain its ?true Catholicity.? That break allows for the free valid celebration of the Sacraments. Our function is to Preach the Good News of the Gospel, and therefore straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queeridentified individuals are welcome at our table, as well as their friends and families.


Inner Light Ministries Inner Light Ministries is an interfaith non-denominational organization formed in 1993 under the direction of Bishop Kwabena Rainey Cheeks, D.D. We are a Christ centered community. We come together to celebrate love of Christ for all people. We know through the power of love that we can change our lives and our communities.


First Congregational United Church of Christ is in the heart of the city seeking, serving, and celebrating. Since 1865, First Church has been a spiritual home committed to inclusivity, social justice, and an extravagant welcome. Twenty-five years ago, the congregation was one of the first in the entire United Church of Christ denomination to become an Open and Affirming congregation ? celebrating the faith and gifts of LGBTQ folk in the full life and leadership of the church. Now, we are in a br

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