Faith Communities


The mission of Temple Sinai is to be a center for those who seek to develop and enhance their Jewish identity through worship of God, ritual life, education, social action, concern for Israel and communal involvement with an emphasis on the enduring Jewish values expressed by the Reform movement.


The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is the nation’s leading religious voice for reproductive justice.


MCC BALTIMORE invites everyone seeking a diverse Christian Community. We are called to provide a place where individuals can: Be transformed by the living God; Find identity in themselves; And be empowered to minister in the name of Christ.


We are loving and welcoming spiritual community that celebrates diversity while embracing oneness. We have served the DC area for 28 years. Everyone is welcome at Celebration Center! We thrive on supporting one another as we open to individual uniqueness … individual greatness … the miracle and magic of Life!


First Congregational United Church of Christ is in the heart of the city seeking, serving, and celebrating. Since 1865, First Church has been a spiritual home committed to inclusivity, social justice, and an extravagant welcome. Twenty-five years ago, the congregation was one of the first in the entire United Church of Christ denomination to become an Open and Affirming congregation ? celebrating the faith and gifts of LGBTQ folk in the full life and leadership of the church. Now, we are in a br


Kundalini Yoga Rainbow Sangat is a group for LGBTQ people and their friends interested in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of Awareness. A type of Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic and powerful tool designed to give you and experience of your Soul?your divine Self. As Yoga Bhajan said, “Kundalini Yoga is the science to unite the finite with Infinity, and it’s the art to experience Infinity in the finite.?


National City Christian Church, the national church for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), welcomes all who are searching for a spiritual home. Whether your interests are community outreach, mutual support, worship, music, or just plain fun ? you are welcome to join us and get to know the warm and caring people that are National City.


Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ, situated in the border between Northwest DC and Bethesda, is an open church, affirming the dignity and worth of every person as created in the image of God. We welcome into our fellowship people of all ages, races, abilities and sexual orientation who acknowledge Christ as our foundation and who seek to embody the mind and spirit of Jesus.


The Old Catholic Church separated from the Roman Rite in 1870, in order to maintain its ?true Catholicity.? That break allows for the free valid celebration of the Sacraments. Our function is to Preach the Good News of the Gospel, and therefore straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queeridentified individuals are welcome at our table, as well as their friends and families.


Friends Meeting of Washington (FMW) is a vibrant LGBTQ-friendly Quaker Meetinghouse located in Dupont Circle that encourages self-reflection and service to the community.

We welcome all spiritual seekers to join us for worship, fellowship and community service. Members of our community include individuals of many races, faith traditions, genders, sexual orientations, ages and socio/economic backgrounds.

However, members coalesce around a shared set of values that influence what we do in our personal lives, what we believe, and changes we work for in the world. These values or testimonies include the promotion of peace, a commitment to all humanity, an understanding that love is a manifestation of God, and a belief that ”there is that of God in everyone”.

Our worship services are unprogrammed, meaning that we worship in the traditional Quaker way. We convene in silence, interrupted only if a worshiper feels divinely inspired to deliver a message intended for all.

Our community has celebrated same sex weddings and commitment ceremonies for decades. We welcome couples of all genders and orientations. A couple may seek to be married in the Quaker tradition under the care of the community and our spaces are also available to couples not affiliated with the community.

Finally, our spaces have been available for memorial services and celebrations of life since the early days of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. In fact, we were one of the only houses of worship in Washington DC to welcome the family and friends of AIDS victims into our spaces at that time.

Showing 21 - 30 of 41 results