Black Lesbian Archives Grassroots 2020 Tour – Cancelled

Black Lesbian Archives Grassroots 2020 Tour - Cancelled


May 22, 2020    
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm


The DC Center for the LGBT Community
2000 14th Street, Suite 105, Washington, District of Columbia, 20009

Event Type

Black Lesbian Archives Grassroots 2020 Tour

Presented by Maekdo Productions

Maekdo Productions Presents The Black Lesbian Archives Grassroots 2020 mobile Tour. The Black Lesbian Archives is getting geared up for the mobile herstory ‘Grassroots’ 2020 Tour. The Black Lesbian Archives was created to bring awareness, bridge the generational gap and a need to share our stories that have fell short in the preservation of our history. In turn, building community, educating and preserving our culture, our way. The Grassroots Tour sets out to get back to our roots. From organizing, connecting, creating, storytelling and beyond. We are being called to create a new narrative. A narrative that includes our voices in order to reveal how we are linked through our roots, explore and become aware of our generational cycles in order to create a new kind of revolution. The BLA Grassroots Tour kicks off February 2020 and ends July 2020. We will be traveling mobile (looking for a bus donation to convert into a mobile museum) through the south, west, east and midwest. There will be a series of events happening from state to state. Varied from archival workshops, film screenings, community organizing, mixers, exhibits, panel discussions, etc. This event is free and open to the public. Offerings in whatever form will be appreciated. Spread the word and bring your people! (There will be photos, video and audio at this event).

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