Center Global sponsors a monthly Asylum Seeker/Asylee/Refugee Support Meeting and Dinner at The DC Center (2000 14th Street NW Washington D.C. Suite 105)
Our monthly dinner gathers LGBT asylum seekers, asylees, refugees, and program volunteers in the DC area together. It is a great time to meet, socialize and network, as well as discuss the current issues at hand. Please join, us as there will be food and drinks for all that attend! This is a closed group dinner for asylum seekers, asylees, and refugees. Please contact the Center Global leadership for more information about attendance.
Center Global provides resources and assistance to welcome LGBT asylum seekers, asylees and refugees who are in the DC area,with the assistance of volunteers and our program participants.We engage the community and raise the visibility of global LGBT issues locally as well. Center Global is entirely funded by outside donations and receives no financial support from the DC Center and is reliant on the generosity of our supporters to make this work possible.
We are always looking for community members and organizations to help with the cause, to support our mission and get involved, please come to one of our Program Meetings held on the first Saturday of every month at the DC Center from 12PM-1:30PM. For more information contact: Chair – Matthew Corso – [email protected] , Vice Chair – Eric Scharf – [email protected]. We would love to have you sponsor one of our dinners or house an asylum seeker.