LGBT Fallen Heroes Memorial Service

LGBT Fallen Heroes Memorial Service


May 13, 2019    
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Women in Military Service For America Memorial
2 Memorial Avenue Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia

Event Type

Honor The Fallen, Recognize The Survivor

The first LGBT Fallen Heroes Memorial Service was held in Dupont Circle, May 13th, 2012 during National Police Week. What began as a memorial service to honor LGBT law enforcement officers has grown to encompass all uniformed public servants and inspired the creation of the LGBT Fallen Heroes Fund.

The LGBT Fallen Heroes Fund continues this tradition each year on May 13th, preceding the Candle Light Vigil for National Police Week. During the memorial service the stories of our fallen heroes are read aloud by volunteers and then flags that have been flown over our Nation’s Capital, in their honor, are presented to the hero’s significant other. They also present that significant other with a commemorative portrait that serves as a reminder of their loved one’s faithful service.

Most times, this memorial service is the first time that those significant others are recognized for the part they play in their loved one’s service to their communities. Because of our country’s laws, most are not given the support they deserve. The memorial service is a way for the LGBT community and its allies to be there for them during their time of grieving and remind them that they are not alone.


Parking: Available for a modest fee at the Visitor’s Center at Arlington National Cemetery.

Metro: Blue Line to the Arlington Cemetery

Both are about 2 blocks from the Memorial.

The event will be held in the Theater.

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