OutWrite Writing Workshop: Setting

OutWrite Writing Workshop: Setting


February 6, 2019    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


The DC Center
2000 14th Street NW, Suite 105, Washington, DC, 20009, DC

Event Type

Free. Open to the Public. Led by John Copenhaver, author of DODGING AND BURNING.

Setting is Character, Character is Setting

Setting is more than a backdrop for fictional characters. Place and character are deeply interwoven, and a writer must be attuned to the how setting impacts character and how characters shape a sense of place in a work of fiction. For LGBTQ writers, setting becomes a particularly important concern of our craft, because the places available to us have been (and often still are) so limited. In the workshop, I offer some concrete tips on how to imbue setting with character and character with a sense of place, and then will lead an exploration of what place means to LGBTQ writers in particular.

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