Meet the Staff: Lily


Welcome Lily (she/her) to the DC Center! She will be joining the DC Center Team as a Development intern. She is an undergraduate finance student at American University. You can meet Lily at the DC Center on weekdays and some evenings. Lily is looking forward to assisting LGBTQ+ community members in D.C.

Birthdate, Astro Sign

October 18, Libra

Where are you originally from? 


Why did you start working at the DC Center? 

I want to develop my finance skills in the nonprofit space and give back to my community.

What has been your favorite part about working at the DC Center?

The staff are so kind and welcoming, and I love the artwork featured around the building! 

What is your music anthem? 

4 Minutes, Madonna 

What is your favorite part about the LGBTQ+ community? 

The diversity–everyone is different and special in their own way, and I love hearing everyone’s stories. 

What is your favorite spot in DC and what do you do there? 

The Adams Morgan strip–there’s so many different cultures and communities represented on one street, and I always find something new to enjoy when I visit. 

What is your favorite queer movie?  

Rocketman (2019)

What color would you paint the White House, given the chance?  

Electric blue…

Who do you look up to in the queer community?

I’m so grateful for the queer authors and artists that do so much to increase our community’s visibility. Representation matters! 

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