Meet the Staff: M

Welcome M (they/she/he) to the DC Center! M will be joining the team as the Social Media Intern. They are an honors student at the University of South Florida studying Mass Communications and Sociology with a minor in Queer & Sexuality Studies. You can meet M at the DC Center on weekdays and some evenings. M is looking forward to connecting with the DC LGBTQ+ Community and assisting with The DC Center’s social media pages. 


Birthdate, Astro Sign

May 18: Taurus Sun, Leo Moon, Leo Rising

Where are you originally from? 

I was born in Washington State and moved to Virginia when I was 14. 

Why did you start working at the DC Center? 

I felt it would be a great opportunity to work for an organization that truly prioritizes the community and supports all LGBTQ+ members. I am sure that the experiences I gain and learn here will help me throughout the rest of my career. 

What has been your favorite part about working at the DC Center?

The DC Center office! The environment is so welcoming and they have so many services for the community including the food pantry, community closet, computers, library, and even free hygiene kits. I love a space that makes everyone feel welcome and included. 

What is your music anthem? 

I am currently addicted to Jeff Buckley and the entire Grace album. I am unsure of where my attraction started, maybe pinterest memes?

What is your favorite part about the LGBTQ+ community? 

This was really difficult to choose but I am settling with our style. The LGBTQ+ community is constantly setting trends that change history (literally!). Our wardrobe is a big part of our identity and I respect that.

What is your favorite spot in DC and what do you do there? 

I think the Grilled Cheese Bar in DC (GCDC). I would go often in high school. It has become a fun memory to come back and visit in the city whenever I am downtown. 

What is your favorite queer movie?  

It is tied between But I am a cheerleader and D.E.B.S. Both are the perfect gay romcoms that bring me comfort. 

What color would you paint the White House, given the chance?  

Easy, Pink! Color theory says pink is a happy color and I think the country could use a bit of that. 

Who do you look up to in the queer community?
I have never been good at choosing one role model so I want to say my queer friends (past, present, and future ones!). I find inspiration in all of my friends. They are the ones who motivate me to push forward and continue growing. 


2 thoughts on “Meet the Staff: M”

  1. A woman was attacked Thursday afternoon, by a group of teenagers, at the corner of 10th and U NW, in front of “America’s Best Wignstop.” They took her jacket. It says Keith Haring on the back, with one of his iconic images. Tonight I picked up the jacket from the sidewalk, and would like to see that it is returned to her. Can you help?


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