Study for Black MSM: Earn $20 in Gift Cards

George Washington University is conducting a study about PrEP advertising twith Black men who have sex with men (MSM) in the Washington, DC metro area.

PrEP, or HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a highly effective HIV prevention medication. We are interested in learning more about how Black MSM feel about the way PrEP is being marketed to them. Findings will help guide the development of future PrEP advertisements, with the goal of creating materials that are culturally sensitive and acceptable to Black men who have sex with men in DC.

The study involves completing two 20-minute surveys and receiving a weekly email for 8 weeks, for which respondents will earn two $10 Amazon gift cards (one for each survey) and be entered into a lottery to win $500 in cash.

To be eligible, participants must be Black, HIV-negative, PrEP-inexperienced men who are sexually active with other men and reside in the DC metro area.

Click here to begin the survey! 

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